Yoga teachers...tell me if this sounds familiar 

  • You love it when other yoga teachers share dharma talks, but get tongue-tied sharing your own. 

  • You want to create themes for your yoga class but find it hard to weave through your classes.

  • Your teaching schedule is packed so writing dharma talks or intentions for class falls to the bottom of your list.

  • You wish you had an impactful dharma talk to share in your back pocket. you do, with my *DIGITAL* Intention Setting Cards for Yoga Teachers! 


 Hi, I am Juliana Larochelle,

and I am a yoga teacher and mentor, who has been teaching yoga for over a decade.  I know the power of a wisdom drop-in class or well-crafted dharma talk, but felt intimidated to share my own at the beginning of my career. 

Over the years, I’ve poured my heart and soul into delivering life-changing yoga classes for my students that help them find confidence on their mat through movement and meditation. Now, I’ve collected all of my favorite talks for you to use whenever and wherever. This has been a labor of love that I’m now excited to share with yoga teachers everywhere. 

Now, not only can you steal my flow, but you can steal my talks, too!

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With my DIGITAL Intention Setting Cards for Yoga Teachers, you can pick any card to read an impactful dharma talk and intention and set a theme for your students. Let your worries about nailing a new talk every class go, and reach for this deck whenever you need it, whether it’s in class or in life. 

Share some of my most popular talks like...

  • Perfection is an Illusion

  • The World Needs Your Gifts

  • Being Joyful is More Vulnerable Than Being Sad

  • You Are Not The Roles You Play 

  • When to Let Go

  • Boundaries

  • Speak up

  • Surrender

  • Feel Your Feelings

  • Forgiveness

Buy these cards now for $55 and give yourself the gift of peace of mind.

You never have to worry about rushing through a dharma talk in your notes app or scribbling your thoughts on a napkin before class ever again. Just reach in your pack of cards and lead the life-changing class you’re meant to, yoga teachers. 

This DIGITAL deck includes 50 dharma talks and intentions for class. They are broken into 4 categories: Lessons Yoga Taught Me, Chakras, Meditations for Presence, & Feel Good.

Here are samples of the talks:


How do I use this DIGITAL deck? 

You can pull a card out at any time, before your class or throughout your day, for a little guidance and motivation. These are all based on talks I have given during my thousands of yoga classes over the last 10+ years of teaching. 

What are some of the themes I can expect? 

The cards cover a variety of topics, but they follow four categories: Lessons Yoga Taught Me, the Chakras,Meditations for Presence, and Feel Good.

How much do they cost? 

These cards are available for $55

Is this a physical deck?

No, this is a digital deck! After purchase, you will automatically get emailed a PDF with the cards.


Refund Policy: Due to the nature of readily available digital products, you will immediately receive access to the DIGITAL Intention Setting Cards at the time of purchase. As a result, I am not able to offer refunds.

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